STAFF at a Prestonpans day care centre “opened the fizz” to celebrate being crowned top team at a prestigious awards ceremony celebrating those working in healthcare in Scotland this month.

Harlawhill Day Care Centre was named Top Team at the Daily Record and NHS Scotland annual Scottish Health Awards 2021 for the work it carried out for clients throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fiona Mitchell, Harlawhill Day Care Centre manager, said: “Our centre has been celebrating our amazing award; our members have been all excited and they are all part of this achievement.

“We opened the fizz and have had parties in the centre with our members to celebrate.

“We believe having such lovely members who are like our family is what makes our jobs extra special.”

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck East Lothian last March, the day care centre went above and beyond to take care of the most vulnerable members of the Prestonpans community.

Staff were dedicated to helping those who were most likely to suffer from not only Covid but the physical and mental effects of lockdown and social isolation.

An action plan was created to minimise the impact on clients who were unable to attend the day centre by switching to a blended outreach service.

Fiona added: “During Covid, as staff we could not take our wage without trying our best to still provide a service.

“So we took our centre to them.

“There was always a safe way to still bring joy to our members, with street parties, Fee’s bistro, lovely weekly treats and providing well-needed respite to carers, getting members out of the house.

“This award is a great achievement, as we may just be a wee local charity funded by East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership providing day care but to be recognised at this level is excellent for East Lothian.”

Fiona also commended Jean Thomson, Harlawhill’s chairperson, who passed away during the pandemic.

She said: “Jean was the driving force behind our centre and would have been so proud of this achievement.

“Her hard work and commitment to our centre, which will have been open 30 years next May, was truly inspiring as a volunteer.

“As the manager, I learnt so much from Jean and, when receiving the award, my first thoughts went to her, a Harlawhill legend.”

Caroline Lamb, director general of health and social care, and chief executive of NHS Scotland, congratulated the team.

She said: “You have shown spirit, dedication and determination in a year that saw staff across health and social care rise to the many challenges that Covid-19 brought along.

“You’re such an inspiration!

“You should be immensely proud of making it to the finals and winning your category. We received over 500 nominations across all categories. This is an incredible achievement and one that should be celebrated.”

A number of residents have also come forward with heartfelt testimonials for the centre, while South Scotland MSP Martin Whitfield congratulated the team in a Holyrood motion.

Sharon Moore, whose parents both attend the centre, said: “There are no words which convey our heartfelt gratitude to the team at Harlawhill. All you have done is priceless; each and every thing has been memorable.”

Ann Clark added: “I honestly believed that mum was in terminal decline during lockdown and was prepared that she wouldn’t reach her 89th birthday, nor see Christmas. Since the centre reopened, I am convinced that she will welcome in 2022.”

Commenting on the win, Mr Whitfield said: “Fiona and her team have always done their utmost for their service users, including through the incredibly difficult last 18 months. Even when the centre was not able to open, they continued to find innovative ways to support older residents in the community and help them through lockdown.

“I’m delighted that the staff and volunteers have been recognised as the Top Team at these prestigious awards and congratulate them on this wonderful success. I have also acknowledged their outstanding achievement with a motion at the Scottish Parliament.”