A TOWN centre restaurant has temporarily closed its doors due to a coronavirus outbreak.

The Victoria Inn, on Haddington’s Court Street, shut its doors on Saturday after four members of staff tested positive for Covid.

Craig Douglas, owner of The Victoria Inn, said: "The four members of staff caught Covid outwith the pub.

"On Saturday morning two staff members informed me they had tested positive and therefore I instructed the rest of my staff to get PCR tests to be safe.

"Four in total tested positive and everyone else tested negative.

"We decided to remain closed to ensure we put public safety at the forefront.

"We have a professional company coming in to do a deep clean this week to put everyone's mind at ease.

"We were told we could open Thursday but the safety of our staff and customers comes first.

"I have been devastated to lose a week's business, with the sunny weather this week our terrace would have been packed, but the safety and health of our staff and customers is more important to me than money in the till."

The Victoria Inn plans to re-open its door on Monday (August 23).