CELEBRATIONS could be planned in Haddington to mark 70 years of the reign of HM The Queen.

Elizabeth II will celebrate her platinum jubilee next June, with suggestions already coming forward about how the historic occasion could be marked.

The anniversary was highlighted at Haddington’s community council meeting last month.

Provost John McMillan said it was “worth a thought over the summer”.

He said: “I know an emphasis is on tree planting.

“Looking back over the celebrations held in the past, it might be something to begin to think about for the Haddington Events Group, the promotions group or the town centre group because for some folk it will be a very significant time.”

In 2012, much of East Lothian marked The Queen’s diamond jubilee. In Haddington, Lesley Taylor and neighbours on Abbots View celebrated with £250 worth of food after she won a competition through the supermarket chain Iceland.

Meanwhile, a jubilee-themed lunch, organised by the community council and the local councillors, was served in Haddington Corn Exchange.

A beacon was also lit at Lennoxlove House, to the south of the town, as well as other locations, including North Berwick Law and Dunbar’s East Beach.

Nationally, suggestions have already been made about how to mark the occasion, with Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh proposing the A1, which passes through the heart of East Lothian, be renamed the Queen’s Highway.