TRIBUTES have been paid to “a gentleman” who has shut up shop for the final time after more than 35 years on Haddington High Street.

Joe Forte locked up his sports shop for the last time on Saturday, with colleagues from throughout the town centre stopping to wish him farewell.

Members of Haddington Business Community Partnership (HBCP) were on hand to present Mr Forte and wife Norma with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of malt whisky, as well as a card signed by many of the town centre businesses.

Karla Green, HBCP chairwoman, wished Mr Forte well in his retirement.

She said: “He will be a huge miss and is going to leave a huge hole in the community.

“He was fantastic. He helped everybody and he is such a gentleman and a really brilliant business colleague.

“We will never see the likes of him again.”

East Lothian Courier: Businesses from throughout Haddington were on hand to wish Joe Forte, pictured alongside wife Norma (left) and long-serving member of staff Linda Malcolm, well on his retirementBusinesses from throughout Haddington were on hand to wish Joe Forte, pictured alongside wife Norma (left) and long-serving member of staff Linda Malcolm, well on his retirement

A former professional footballer, playing with Hibernian, Berwick Rangers, Meadowbank Thistle and Ormiston Primrose, Mr Forte opened the doors to his shop on July 27, 1985.

However, even before opening the shop, his family’s connection to the town centre was well cemented, with his mum and dad running Forte Café for more than 20 years.

Pat Lemmon, vice-chairwoman of the town’s community council, was also on hand to pay tribute to Mr Forte, who she has known since childhood.

She told the Courier: “For all the years I have worked with businesses in the town and having a business in the town, he has always been known as ‘Gentleman Joe’.

“He basically oozes community spirit, very seldom says no to anything and will go out of his way to help community groups within the town.

“He is very seldom seen without a smile and is a true empathetic gentleman.”

READ MORE: Joe Forte announces decision to call it a day

Mr Forte’s connection with the High Street goes beyond just the business, though.

The Haddington resident was instrumental in the formation of Blooming Haddington and previously chaired Haddington and District Business Association.

Ward councillor John McMillan, who is the local authority’s spokesman for tourism and economic development, described Mr Forte as “a local guy who has given so much to his town”.

He said: “I went round and paid him a wee tribute myself on Saturday, just to thank him for all he has done through sport and his family connection with the High Street.

“Obviously, he took the lead on Blooming Haddington when it came to starting it up and is a staunch trader with the whole business community.

“He has just given so much and I hope we will see him around and we will miss him.”

Mr Forte spoke to the Courier on Tuesday morning and described his final day in the shop as “very emotional”.

He was also given one last surprise when four members of Haddington Pipe Band turned up at his house with an impromptu performance.

He thanked customers for their support over the years and long-serving member of staff Linda Malcolm, who worked in Joe Forte Sports for more than 25 years.

Mr Forte, who said the premises were on the market, added: “The kindness the public has shown has been overwhelming.

“It will take a few years to all filter through.

“We have had about 80 cards and bottles of wine, whisky and champagne.”