THE new Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care has pledged to look into reports of East Lothian residents having to travel to Midlothian and West Lothian for their coronavirus vaccines when there is capacity locally, after the Courier's article about the issue was referenced at Holyrood.

Craig Hoy (Conservative), South Scotland MSP and a Haddington councillor, raised the issue at the Scottish Parliament yesterday (Thursday) and mentioned the Courier's story, published earlier that day as he asked Health Secretary Humza Yousaf – who was appointed to the role earlier this month following the Scottish Parliament Election – if he would look into it.

The Courier had been contacted by a number of residents who were confused as to why there were being sent further afield for their Covid-19 vaccines rather than to the vaccination sites in East Lothian, with suggestions a computer glitch could be to blame, though this was denied by NHS Lothian.

READ MORE: Concerns over residents being sent to Midlothian and West Lothian for coronavirus vaccine

At Holyrood, Mr Hoy said: "On vaccines, will the Cabinet Secretary look into reports in today's East Lothian Courier which suggest that residents are routinely being sent to vaccination centres in Midlothian and West Lothian, even when there is capacity in East Lothian?

"And if this is to do with a computer glitch, would the Minister get this sorted soon before it impacts both vaccine take-up and also the number of young people that may come forward in future?"

In response, Mr Yousaf said: "Can I thank the member for raising the issue? I will take a look at that and will see why that is the reason."