AN MSP says he is concerned at claims East Lothian residents are being given appointments for Covid-19 vaccinations in Midlothian and West Lothian when there is spare capacity in East Lothian.

Craig Hoy, a South Scotland MSP and Haddington councillor, wants the Scottish Government to examine why the national coronavirus vaccine booking system does not automatically identify the earliest available appointment at the closest available facility.

He said: “While many residents are able to travel, a large number are not, and putting significant distance or large travel costs between people and their vaccine is only going to result in more people deciding not to proceed with their jabs.

“I urge the Government and NHS Scotland to look at how the booking system can be adapted to address this serious issue, or it is likely we will see a rise in missed appointments and possibly reduced levels of vaccine protection.”

The Courier has been contacted by a number of East Lothian residents in their 30s and 40s delighted to be getting their first jabs but bemused at being sent to Gorebridge Leisure Centre or the Pyramids Business Park in Bathgate, and not to Haddington’s East Lothian Community Hospital or the drive-through vaccination facility at Queen Margaret University.

One North Berwick woman said she had been scheduled to have her first Covid vaccine at Gorebridge last week but did not attend.

“Getting to Gorebridge involves an approximate four-hour trip on public transport at a cost of over £20: four trains and two buses,” she said.

“I contacted the number on the letter and was advised the only other option was Musselburgh, only this centre is a drive-through and I don’t have a car.

“I was then given another number and was told, ‘What about Haddington?’, only to then be told there were no appointments. Indeed, Haddington is not even an option on the ‘reschedule’ webpage.

“How are there no appointments in East Lothian for residents who do not have access to a car?”

After raising the matter with NHS chiefs, the Courier, Mr Hoy and East Lothian MSP Paul McLennan, the woman reported that she had since been given an appointment in Haddington.

Another North Berwick resident said he and many of his friends had been asked to embark on a 90-mile round trip to Bathgate for their vaccinations.

“When you ring up to ask to change it to somewhere closer, we are told there are no appointments,” he said.

“If you are fortunate to have your own transport then you can make the trip. But for those who rely on public transport, NHS Lothian are asking people to expose themselves to greater infection on unnecessary journeys.”

The Courier was told by a source close to the NHS that a glitch in the vaccine computerised booking system meant that hundreds of East Lothian residents had recently been sent to Gorebridge and Bathgate for the jabs, despite there being spare capacity closer to home – but that the problem was being addressed.

However, NHS Lothian told the Courier that they were not aware of any such computer glitches.

The NHS does not schedule appointments – this is done by the national booking system run by NSS.

Pat Wynne, nurse director of primary and community care, NHS Lothian, said in a statement: “The Covid vaccine remains our best defence against the virus. This is why we are rolling out the vaccine as quickly as possible to the most amount of people.

“Vaccination appointments are being offered at a range of different venues across Lothian. Appointments are made based on availability, which may mean that some people will be required to attend a venue that is not as close to their home as others.

“We encourage everyone to attend the appointment that they are given; however, if this is not possible, appointments can be rearranged by contacting the National Covid-19 Vaccination Helpline on 0800 030 8013 or by visiting

NHS Lothian did not reply to a Courier request for a rough breakdown of where county residents were being sent for their vaccinations.

County MSP Paul McLennan said he was working with the NHS vaccinations team to understand the reasoning behind the long trips some residents were facing.

“I have asked that they explore the possibility of increased capacity at East Lothian Community Hospital and local GP surgeries as a solution,” he added.

“In order to continue the steps out of Covid, we must be in a position to make the ability to receive the vaccine as easy as possible.

I would ask any resident who is having any issues to contact me. I will liaise with the Health Secretary over the next few days in regard to dealing with any issues.”