A KIND-HEARTED youngster is using pedal power to raise money for charity and remember her papa.

April Houghton will be joined by her dad Martin in cycling from Edinburgh to her home in Dunbar in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Michael McCormick (pictured below), of Dunbar, died from throat cancer on May 30 last year, with April and her dad set to mark the anniversary in memorable fashion.

East Lothian Courier: April Houghton will be joining her dad in a special fundraiser to mark the death of her papa Michael McCormick

The 10-year-old said: “The reason I decided to do this challenge was to help others not have to go through what we went through.

“I wanted to do a fundraiser for Cancer Research so anyone can donate that has been affected from cancer.

“The fundraising has helped me because even though I couldn’t help my papa, I might be able to help other people thanks to everyone who has donated.”

Last summer, following her papa’s death at the age of 69, April started donating her pocket money to the world’s leading independent cancer charity.

It was later in the year that the idea of a sponsored cycle came up, with a route of about 35 miles now planned.

Her dad, who turned 40 earlier this week, said: “Towards August or September, April wanted to get involved in a charity cycle.

“We did one before when she was about five or six years old. We did the Wee Jaunt; it was from Linlithgow to Edinburgh and about seven-and-a-half miles.

“She was really keen to get involved with a charity cycle for Cancer Research UK and we were looking and waiting for something to kick off but because of Covid it has struck charity events.

“It was about December that I mentioned that me and her could jump on the bike and put some miles in and see what we could do.”

The fundraiser will see the duo upping the miles as they start in Edinburgh city centre before heading for Portobello.

Then, it will be into East Lothian and along the coast towards Longniddry before heading for Haddington.

A stop-off at Hailes Castle for a refreshment has been planned, before the last leg takes Martin and April, who is in P6 at Dunbar Primary School, back home.

Martin, who works at Torness Power Station, told the Courier: “We have been doing training together.

“We have been doing just 10 miles and getting the stamina up – me more than April!

“She is coping better than I am.

“Her grandad, my dad, is going to come along for some support on the day and it should be a good day.”

The initial fundraising target of £500 was well and truly smashed within a matter of days.

Now, more than £1,000 will be going to Cancer Research UK.

Martin added that he was proud of his daughter’s fundraising efforts.

To support the duo, go to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/april-houghton