AN INAUGURAL virtual travel trade event to link tourism businesses in the Lothians with global tour operators and travel agents has been hailed a success.

Scotland Reconnect 2020 saw a total of 264 buyers from 23 countries connecting online with 240 Scottish suppliers for business meetings aimed at booking and creating tour packages for future visitors.

Twenty-one of the buyers were new to working with VisitScotland on a travel trade event of this kind, with Visit East Lothian among the organisations representing the Lothians.

Elaine Carmichael, from Visit East Lothian, said: “Scotland Reconnect was the first virtual expo we have attended and it was very successful.

“We welcomed the opportunity to meet with buyers and to ascertain their plans and concerns for 2021 and beyond.

“We were greatly encouraged by the interest in travelling and visiting again in 2021 should circumstances permit.

“With our rural aspect, miles of scenic coastline and visitor offer, we are well placed to meet the requirements of the travel trade here in East Lothian.”

Scotland Reconnect 2020 was also the first of its kind to be delivered by the national tourism organisation and also gave tour operators and travel agents the opportunity to rebook visits and tweak programmes that had had to be cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Buyers from the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Scandinavia, Australia and Brazil all attended the virtual event, as well as London-based inbound operators representing the Japanese and Chinese markets.

In addition to facilitating more than 5,000 business meetings, there were also live webinars, round table discussions and breakout sessions and an online presentation hub.

Virtual experiences also demonstrated what Scotland can offer buyers’ clients.

Neil Christison, VisitScotland regional director, described the recent event as “a great success”.

He said: “It was encouraging to hear that despite this terrible year, so many buyers and suppliers had signed up to the event and were keen to continue their great relationships in the future.”