A DRIVING instructor who started volunteering with Dunbar’s RNLI crew when he was a teenager is one of two new helms on the inshore lifeboat (ILB).

Ross McMullen and Chris Woods were put through their paces last week on various scenarios with an assessor and crew and were tested on their knowledge and skills.

The duo join long-standing volunteers Alan Blair and Gordon Kirkham as ILB helms – the crew members in charge of the boat.

Ross, 35, has been a volunteer for 18 years and wanted to join after his brother Paul and uncle David Koch both served on the crew.

Ross is also a tractor driver and was once part of the Scottish National Flood Rescue team.

He said: “I joined as a teenager with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and stayed ever since.

“There have been a few shouts in that time but one that always sticks out was when we were tasked to tow a 55-foot sperm whale off the beach at Canty Bay.

“I was attaching the rope when I slipped and fell onto it – not an experience you forget in a hurry!”

Currently a driving instructor in a career that has seen him serve with the police for 12 years and work as an assistant emergency preparedness engineer at Torness Power Station, he described the assessment as “tough”.

Fellow new helm Chris, who has been on the crew since 2015, was inspired to become a volunteer after eight years with the merchant navy left him with the urge to continue to go to sea.

The 40-year-old, who is regional manager (Scotland) for EDF Renewables, also wanted to give something back to the Dunbar community.

Chris has made a big impact since joining, becoming a mechanic on the all-weather lifeboat (ALB), tractor driver for the ILB and a recipient of the Crewmember of the Year award three times.

His most memorable shout was during the town’s lifeboat fete three years ago.

He said: “I was in the middle of giving people a tour of the ALB when the pagers went off.

“There were 30 people on board and we had to get them all off safely as quickly as we could but many of them thought we were joking!”

Chris and Ross paid thanks to the existing helms and crew for their help in training and support, with the two new helms able to provide cover for shouts and exercises.

Gary Fairbairn, Dunbar coxswain, said: “Chris and Ross have worked hard in a year when it has not been easy to train.

“They have had to do a lot online as well as going afloat and their dedication has paid off.

“It’s important for the station to have more cover for our assets, so we want to thank them for their hard work.”