WE TAKE a look at the stories making headlines in East Lothian 25, 50 and 100 years ago.


25 years ago

THE fight to save a town’s outdoor pool continued, reported the September 1, 1995 edition of the East Lothian Courier.

Campaigners have gathered more than 4,000 signatures on a petition as part of an 11th hour bid to save North Berwick’s outdoor pool.

David Berry, Pat Macaulay and Georgina Cranston handed the protest document into East Lothian District Council HQ in Haddington on Monday.

They have also written to the chief executive of the new East Lothian Council, John Lindsay, calling for a stay of execution for a year to enable them to compile a rescue package in an effort to secure the pool’s future.

Both locals and visitors from as far afield as Canada put pen to paper to register their opposition to the closure plan.

“We collected the signatures in just three-and-a-half weeks which shows the strength of feeling about the pool,” said Mrs Macaulay.


50 years ago

‘YOUNG people create festival’ was a headline in The Haddingtonshire Courier on September 4, 1970.

A young people’s Experimental Festival will take place in Haddington next weekend.

Centred on St. Mary’s Church and the Town House, the Festival will provide music and theatre by young people from East Lothian, pupils of the Yehudi Menuhin School and George Heriot’s Choir.

The Festival is sponsored by the Lamp of Lothian Collegiate Centre and was made possible by a three-year grant from the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust.

The Centre, which was started just over three years ago by the Lamp of Lothian Trust, formed to renew and foster community life in East Lothian through the medium of the arts, promoted a similar event last year.


100 years ago

A WOMAN had to be removed from Haddington Police Station in a wheelbarrow after being found drunk on the town’s High Street, reported The Haddingtonshire Courier of September 3, 1920.

Before Bailie Main, at the Burgh Court, on Monday, Annie Nolan, outworker, of no fixed residence, pleaded guilty to having, on Saturday, been found in a state of intoxication in High Street.

The Fiscal stated that the accused was found in a helpless state at 10.45 P.M., and had to be removed to the police station in a barrow.

The accused pleaded for a chance, and said she had work to go to.

She was fined 10s, with the option of seven days’ imprisonment, and was allowed a week to pay.