A PICTURE of Mekala Osborne, the personal trainer who almost died while on holiday in Vietnam last year, sitting outside for the first time since becoming seriously ill has been shared by her family.

The image was posted on social media by close family friend Davie Martin, on behalf of the family, who described the image as “peaceful”.

The caption alongside the image read: “Yes it's our wee warrior Mekala outside in the hospital grounds for the first time in god knows how long.

“So emotional looking at this just trying to imagine what Mekala is just sitting there thinking about. A penny for yer thoughts sweetheart. Your one special lassie.”

Mum Yvonne said: “I wish I knew what your thoughts are toots. So, so proud of you. Very emotional Mummy tonight.”

Former Preston Lodge High School pupil Mekala, 22, was travelling through south-east Asia with a friend last autumn when she phoned home complaining of a sore throat.

Over the coming days, and after being given antibiotics and painkillers, her condition worsened and she soon ended up in hospital in an induced coma after being diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia.

Mekala, who lives in Wallyford, was then transferred to a hospital in Singapore for further treatment.

A fundraising page to allow Yvonne and step-dad Jimmy to be by her bedside attracted donations from across East Lothian and beyond, raising over £12,000.

Mekala was flown back to the UK in November last year and transferred to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for further treatment.

She was transferred to the Astley Ainslie at the end of March where she is currently receiving rehab.

Mekala is said to be doing really well, she is sitting up and had an assisted shower.

Speaking to the Courier last month, Jimmy said: “It is absolutely amazing.

“When you look at the first photograph back in September of her lying in hospital in Da Nang [Vietnam] and she had a five per cent chance of survival and then look at her now.

“She is still not the same Mekala we know but she is getting there.

“She has got a big smile on her face and we FaceTime every night to keep in touch.

“She is amazing and she can now move a couple of fingers on each hand.”

It is hoped Mekala will be home for Christmas.



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