A PERSONAL trainer who almost died while on holiday in Vietnam last year could be home for Christmas.

Mekala Osborne was travelling through South East Asia last autumn when she became seriously ill.

Diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia and given just a five per cent chance of survival, her family were told to “expect the worst”.

However, the 22-year-old is continuing her incredible recovery in Edinburgh’s Astley Ainslie Hospital and her step-dad, Jimmy McAulay, is hopeful she could be back home in Wallyford in time for the festive season.

He said: “It is absolutely amazing.

“When you look at the first photograph back in September of her lying in hospital in Da Nang [Vietnam] and she had a five per cent chance of survival and then look at her now.

“She is still not the same Mekala we know but she is getting there.

“She has got a big smile on her face and we FaceTime every night to keep in touch.

“She is amazing and she can now move a couple of fingers on each hand.”

After being taken to hospital in Vietnam, she was flown to Singapore for further medical treatment.

Then, in November, she was flown home from Asia and spent time in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh before moving to the Astley Ainslie Hospital last month.

Her step-dad said the progress was impressive and noted she was now sitting up and had an assisted shower for the first time since initially falling ill.

Jimmy told the Courier it felt “like yesterday” when they first heard that Mekala had taken unwell in Vietnam.

Initially, she had phoned her family complaining of a sore throat.

Doctors gave her antibiotics and painkillers but she ended up in hospital and had to be put into an induced coma.

Jimmy was pleased to say Mekala was “getting back to normal” and thanked members of the public for their continued support.

He said: “The response we get is absolutely phenomenal.

“Every time, people wish her the best and that comes from Canada, the USA and Australia – it is unbelievable.

“It is absolutely astonishing and we will see a wee comment online and click on it and it is someone from over in Canada or Australia. You think ‘My God’ but that is social media for you.”

Former Preston Lodge High School pupil Mekala is continuing to get physiotherapy at the hospital in the Capital.

Family and friends have been unable to see her during the coronavirus lockdown, which Jimmy said was hard for all involved.

He added: “She is missing home really bad. I am hoping she is home for Christmas – fingers crossed.”

And, when she does come home, Mekala will have a new friend alongside her in the house, a German Shepherd puppy called Rio.

Jimmy said: “She totally loves him and gets all the photographs of him.

“We get him on when we are FaceTiming her and she is really chuffed with it all.”