THERE are no plans to add further warning signs at a junction in Dunbar town centre – despite reports of drivers going the wrong way round the one-way system.

The town’s community council highlighted complaints about vehicles turning right after they left the railway station on Station Road or from King’s Court.

However, a spokeswoman for East Lothian Council said: “The developer at King’s Court has put new signage on the road surface.

“Unfortunately, drivers seem to be choosing to ignore this.

“Police are aware and will be making regular checks and taking action.

"We do not have any plans for additional signs – it is more than sufficient.”

Meanwhile, the local authority has confirmed replacement stickers will be put on signs warning drivers they are about to enter the one-way system on Queen’s Road.

The stickers have become faded due to the sun, with replacements to be in place within a matter of weeks.

The spokeswoman added: “An order has been placed with our sign contractor to provide new stickers. 

“It is likely that the work will be completed within the next three weeks.”